Olá, bem-vindo à Tribo TDAH, o podcast com hiperfoco na sua vida! 

No sexto episódio da nossa nova série TDAH Explica falamos sobre a pandemia de COVID-19, seus efeitos no Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade e também desmistificamos a discussão sobre sintomas e efeitos pós-covid similares ao TDAH.







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- Tribo TDAH no Apoia.se https://apoia.se/tribotdah 

- Tribo TDAH no PicPay https://picpay.me/triboTDAH


**Links de referência**

- ADHD focus concerns covid-19 infection https://www.hcplive.com/view/adhd-focus-concerns-covid-19-infection

- Brain fog: people struggling to think clearly months after Covid https://www.cognitive-assessment.com/brain-fog-people-struggling-to-think-clearly-months-after-covid/

- Brain Fog Evaluation https://www.cognitive-assessment.com/brain-fog-evaluation/

- Adults with ADHD may face a number of challenges during the ongoing pandemic https://www.hcplive.com/view/goodman-adult-adhd-challenges-covid-19

- Persistent COVID-19-associated neurocognitive symptoms in non-hospitalized patients https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13365-021-00954-4

- ADHD as a Risk Factor for Infection With Covid-19 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1087054720943271

- ADHD in COVID-19: Risk, Resilience, and the Rapid Transition to Telehealth https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/abs/10.1521/adhd.2021.29.2.1

- Top problems of adolescents and young adults with ADHD during the COVID-19 pandemic https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022395621000765

- ADHD and Covid-19: current roadblocks and future opportunities https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/irish-journal-of-psychological-medicine/article/adhd-and-covid19-current-roadblocks-and-future-opportunities/868C4A93C2103244E8169A77430F23CC

- Prospective impact of COVID-19 on mental health functioning in adolescents with and without ADHD: protective role of emotion regulation abilities https://acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jcpp.13382

- The Association between ADHD and the Severity of COVID-19 Infection https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10870547211003659

- Doctors are testing a prescription video game for COVID-19 ‘brain fog’ https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/19/22391587/long-covid-brain-cognitive-treatment-video-game-akili

- Videogame terapêutico é testado como tratamento de sequelas pós-COVID https://www.theenemy.com.br/pc/covid-19-sequelas-videogame-endeavorrx

- Digital tool will be tested against COVID-19 ‘brain fog’ https://pharmaphorum.com/news/digital-tool-will-be-tested-against-covid-19-brain-fog/

- How do children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) experience lockdown during the COVID-19 outbreak? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32522407/

- Identifying the impact of the confinement of Covid-19 on emotional-mood and behavioural dimensions in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33421841/


**Episódios relacionados**

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- Tribo TDAH #16 - TDAH e 3 classificações (Parte 2) http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-16-3classificacoes2

- Tribo TDAH #60 - TDAH e memória (Parte 1) http://www.pqpcast.com/tribo-tdah/60-memoria-1

- Tribo TDAH #61 - TDAH e memória (Parte 2) http://www.pqpcast.com/tribo-tdah/61-memoria-2

- Tribo TDAH #58 - TDAH, permanência e constância de objeto (Parte 1) http://www.pqpcast.com/tribo-tdah/58-permanencia-objeto-constancia-objeto-1

- Tribo TDAH #59 - TDAH, permanência e constância de objeto (Parte 2) http://www.pqpcast.com/tribo-tdah/59-permanencia-objeto-constancia-objeto-2

- Tribo TDAH #28 - TDAH e hipersensibilidade (parte 1) http://www.pqpcast.com/tribo-tdah/28-hipersensibilidade-1

- Tribo TDAH #29 - TDAH e h

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