Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and host of Newsletter Guru TV and Stick Like Glue Radio. He is known internationally as ‘The Newsletter Guru’- the go-to resource for maximizing the profitability of customer relationships.

“Every entrepreneur needs to be working with a coach and be in a mastermind group. When you think you have all the answers or you think you know the plan is when you either are not doing well or your growth is being stunted because you don’t know what you don’t know. When you work with a master mind or a coach they can point out something obvious that you can’t see because you are far too close to your business.”

Jim is an expert when it comes to newsletters and entrepreneurship. His home page is http://www.getjimpalmer.com/ the website for his newsletter is http://www.nohasslenewsletters.com/ if you are interested in coaching a mastermind group, visit http://www.dreambizcoaching.com/index.html