Lee Caraher is a CEO and acclaimed communication strategist known for her practical solutions to big problems. She started Double Forte as a new kind of communications firm designed to work with good people, doing good work for good companies by providing the best results and service in the business. So far so good. This is not her first rodeo, and she’s learned a lot along the way that she shares with others in the hopes that everyone can reduce drama and conflict in the workplace and create careers that matter.

“Growing a team starts with knowing who you are, what your strengths are, and knowing where to spend your time. The first person we paid was our accountant because my time wasn’t best used in accounting and that was the best investment I have ever made.” –Lee Caraher

After the crash of 2008, Lee realized that when an economic shift happens, you have to look at your business model and make sure that it will still be relevant on the other side of recovery. This led her to hiring millennials and eventually writing a book on Millennials and being known as “the millennial whisperer”.

Lee’s book Millennials & Management: The Essential Guide to Making It Work at Work http://www.leecaraher.com/books/

See more of what lee is doing at http://www.leecaraher.com/ or find her on twitter @LeeCaraher


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