This week, Val "The Voice" Johnson and Coach Tony Thompson discuss the captivating world of independent filmmaking with a multifaceted filmmaker and community advocate, Wendell Moore. His short film, "Juvey D & Ant” brings light to Wendell's remarkable path from the vibrant streets of Brooklyn to the esteemed circles of film festivals. Wendell's latest work, "Juvey D and Ant," is not just a film; it's a heartfelt homage to youth, friendship, and the spirited life of Brooklyn in the early '90s. With guests including the film's narrator Terrance Copeland and producer Jon Calvert, we explore the intersecting worlds of Wendell's dedication to youth development and his passion for storytelling through film. Don't miss this extraordinary exploration of art, advocacy, and the power of storytelling in celebrating Black History Month. Tune in to "Juvey D & Ant: Wendell Moore's Film Journey" for an unforgettable podcast experience.

"A DJ Saved My Life" is the new eBook by Val "The Voice" Johnson.  The book  is a heartfelt tribute to the healing power of music and the therapeutic potential of podcasting all with the ABCs of Podcasting rolled into one. Reserve your copy NOW here:

Watch the entire interview with Interludes Extra Talk on Tuesdays here:

The Interludes Podcast Newsletter is HERE!  Read the latest review, "Jennifer Lopez Unveiled" here: