Val "The Voice" Johnson engages with the dynamic indie artist Kingsley. From her early days in Chicago to becoming a standout in Portland's underground scene, Kingsley shares her evolution from family bands to indie pop acclaim. Dive into her journey through music and entrepreneurship, her creative process, and the challenges she overcame along the way. Get a sneak peek into her upcoming 3rd studio album and learn how she's reshaping indie music with authenticity and innovation. Tune in for an episode filled with inspiration, resilience, and Kingsley's unique musical journey.

Follow the artist, Kingsley on Spotify here:

"A DJ Saved My Life" is the new eBook by Val "The Voice" Johnson.  The book  is a heartfelt tribute to the healing power of music and the therapeutic potential of podcasting all with the ABCs of Podcasting rolled into one. Reserve your copy NOW here:

The Interludes Podcast Newsletter is HERE!  Read the latest review, "Jennifer Lopez Unveiled" here: