In this week's edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Lisa Richards about her new body care line, L'eela. Learn about the benefits of oil and CBD in body products, what goes in to creating a body care line, and a peek into our early days together at Tranquil Space.

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Yoga + the Animals: June 8 at Burleigh Manor Animal Sanctuary

TDJ Soirée: June 9 in DC [only 8 tickets left]

TDJ Live: June 23 at 8pm [Free, online]

Tranquility in Tuscany: July 13-20 in Italy [4 spots left]

Luna Yoga Advanced Teacher Training: September 21 and 22 in Montreal, Canada


Guest: Lisa Richards     Lisa Richards is co-CEO and formulation specialist for L’eela. Richards began investigating natural health alternatives when she developed severe allergies in her late 30s that jeopardized her fitness-rooted lifestyle as a yoga instructor. She gained an appreciation for the effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) and whole-plant cannabis products when she used them to aid recovery and healing from her own injuries. Richards has spent several years blending her own oils using the life-balancing philosophy of Ayurveda, which is a perfect complement to the Vinyasa yoga she has taught since 2001. In her practice, she has worked with pro athletes, TV personalities, preschoolers and everyone in between. Savvy Sources Find Lisa


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