In this week's edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Jane Reeves about the practice of Loving Kindness and her book A Heart of Gold, her passion for Italy, yoga, and more.

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Yoga + the Animals: June 8 at Burleigh Manor Animal Sanctuary

TDJ Soirée: June 9 in DC [only half of tickets remain]

TDJ Live: June 23 at 8pm [Free, online]

Tranquility in Tuscany: July 13-20 in Italy [4 spots]

Luna Yoga Advanced Teacher Training: September 21 and 22 in Montreal, Canada


Guest Jane Reeves is an author, retreat leader and life coach. Over the past three decades, she has been seeking authentic ways to develop a practice that brings more light, love and joy into the world.   In her one-on-one coaching sessions, Jane helps people dive deep into the practices of Loving Kindness, applying ancient and modern teachings to encourage spirit work, life design and meeting wellness aspirations. She helps people to listen to their heart’s desires and to embrace the path they are on in the present moment.     Jane also leads sacred yoga retreats in Italy where she offers the opportunity to experience rich restoration through yoga and meditation while being surrounded by beauty.   Her book, A Heart of Gold, is the culmination of a lifetime of teachings and personal practice of Loving Kindness. From one heart of gold to another, A Heart of Goldis a gift from Jane to her students and retreaters, a resource for staying the course on the path of Loving Kindness. Savvy Sources Find Jane


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