🎮 By using games to teach skills and methods in your training sessions you can transform the effectiveness of your workshops and make your training/consulting business stand out from the crowd.

My guest this week is Mark Young, Owner of Rational Games, Inc.

🎲 Rational Games is a Training and consulting company that offers innovative approaches to teaching negotiation, leadership, and other topics through the power of play, inspiring a more cooperative and enjoyable learning experience.

The company also pride themselves on being a non-profit that make small grants to organisations who make creative use of games and play to resolve conflict. 🤗

Tune in and you'll learn the following, plus much more:


🤯 Methods to create a more positive and interactive learning environment for your clients

🤯How to get the balance right between seriousness and fun in training and coaching

🤯The importance of developing effective methods to measure the success and impact of your training programs


Are you ready to explore how using games to teach client’s has the potential to revolutionise your training process? 🎯

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