If you've ever wondered about how to use quiz funnel marketing in your business then this episode is for you!💥

Quiz funnels can be a fun way to gain more insight into your customer's wants and needs, attract warm leads and increase your sales🔥

My guest this week is Leigh Simons, Customer Success Manager from ScoreApp.

🥅 ScoreApp helps you to generate higher quality, higher converting leads by making quiz funnel marketing easy and providing insightful data to help you increase your sales.

Tune in and you'll learn the following, plus much more:

☑️ How to leverage quizzes for Lead Generation

☑️ How to optimise quiz promotion for Maximum Reach

☑️ Ways to convert quiz data into Actionable Insights


Do you want more leads, more data and more sales?

🎙️ Then check out this week's episode today and subscribe to get more episodes like this.