Lyndsay Phillips ( is our special guest on this episode, where she is going to be talking about how a virtual assistant (VA) can help your business with all your online marketing needs.

* What is a virtual assistant and how can they help your business?
* Different approaches to making the most of your virtual assistant
* Why it is important to relinquish control of some of your online marketing activities to a virtual assistant to save yourself time
* How webinars can help you market and what’s involved in making sure it runs smoothly
* The importance of saving time by outsourcing back-end support to professionals
* What is the process involved in a business launch and what is the best way to do it?
* How info-products can help businesses expand and attract customers
* The best way to price your book or info-product
* The importance of holding a pre-launch for your book or info-product
How your email list size affects your launch strategy
What to do if your email list is small
* Setting up a launch team to help promote your product and expand your reach
* Establishing relationships and leveraging their lists to increase your launch
* Creating incentives for other entrepreneurs to help you promote your launch
* Dispelling the misconceptions about launches
* The importance of understanding your value and backing yourself by organizing a launch for your book or info-product
* Why is cross-reference marketing important?
* Why it’s important to continually post your opt-ins on your social media platforms to build your list
* The value of experimenting with different approaches to engaging with your audience
* The best social media channels to reach your audience and how to get the most out of them
* Reasons why you don’t need to market yourself across every single social media platform
* The best strategies for marketing on Twitter