Instagram for tourism, getting tactical

Angela Ponsford and Miranda Ivey make up the business Dotti Media based in Northern NSW Australia. The girls from Dotti Media help small businesses and entrepreneurs make the most of their social media platforms. They have just released an online course called Get Insta Savvy and this is all about Instagram. Today on Tourism Tweetup the Podcast we chat to Angela about Instagram and some of the tactics needed for success on this platform from a business perspective.

We start of chatting about Visual Marketing and why Instagram has been so popular.

We then chat about what we need to get our head around when using Instagram for business rather than using Instagram for personal use. Angela talks about posting images that convey what your business is and allowing people to get to know you - that posting what you had for lunch isn't really that interesting when people don't know you and when they don't have a relationship with you.

We talk about the demographics of Instagram which is slightly female skewed (6 minute mark) and then the type of content that works on Instagram (6.30 mark).

Having a face or a person in the photo works

Adding text over photos/images works

Snackable content

Travel inspiration

From the 9.30 minute mark we talk about common mistakes of Instagram users

Having your account set to private

Not having a bio (you have up to 150 characters)

Not using hashtags

Not having a comment or description

Make sure your clickable website link is mobile friendly

[Tweet "If you are not using hashtags the only people seeing your posts are the people already following you"]

[Tweet "Hashtags are an integral part of Instagram marketing says @dottimedia"]

From the 14.30 minute mark we talk tips for growing your Instagram followers - listen for the details!

Have a good bio

Post more often

Considering post timing (see

Follow more accounts

Leave comments on others accounts

Use hashtags

Remember its about being social

We talk about user generated content - see my blog post about user generated content

The post Instagram for tourism, getting tactical: Ep #31 appeared first on Holly G.

Instagram for tourism, getting tactical

Angela Ponsford and Miranda Ivey make up the business Dotti Media based in Northern NSW Australia. The girls from Dotti Media help small businesses and entrepreneurs make the most of their social media platforms. They have just released an online course called Get Insta Savvy and this is all about Instagram. Today on Tourism Tweetup the Podcast we chat to Angela about Instagram and some of the tactics needed for success on this platform from a business perspective.

We start of chatting about Visual Marketing and why Instagram has been so popular.

We then chat about what we need to get our head around when using Instagram for business rather than using Instagram for personal use. Angela talks about posting images that convey what your business is and allowing people to get to know you – that posting what you had for lunch isn’t really that interesting when people don’t know you and when they don’t have a relationship with you.

We talk about the demographics of Instagram which is slightly female skewed (6 minute mark) and then the type of content that works on Instagram (6.30 mark).

Having a face or a person in the photo works
Adding text over photos/images works
Snackable content
Travel inspiration

From the 9.30 minute mark we talk about common mistakes of Instagram users

Having your account set to private
Not having a bio (you have up to 150 characters)
Not using hashtags
Not having a comment or description
Make sure your clickable website link is mobile friendly

If you are not using hashtags the only people seeing your posts are the people already following you
Click To Tweet

Hashtags are an integral part of Instagram marketing says @dottimedia
Click To Tweet

From the 14.30 minute mark we talk tips for growing your Instagram followers – listen for the details!

Have a good bio
Post more often
Considering post timing (see
Follow more accounts
Leave comments on others accounts
Use hashtags
Remember its about being social

We talk about user generated content – see my blog post about user generated content

The post Instagram for tourism, getting tactical: Ep #31 appeared first on Holly G.

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