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My guest on this episode of Totally Well Podcast is Nina Manolson, Health Coach from

About Nina Manolson:

Nina Manolson helps women over 40 end their war with food and make peace with their body. 

She’s a food and body therapist - essentially a relationship counselor for women and their BODIES. 

Her work as a certified Psychology of Eating Coach & teacher, Body-Trust® Guide and Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach with a M.A. in Counseling Psychology allows her to guide women back home to a place of feeling truly at home in their own skin. 

She works with women who are ready to stop the diet-cycle and start healing their relationship with their food and body.

 Nina has been working with women and their relationship with their body for over 25 years. She specializes in helping smart women who have tried many ways of feeling good in their body, yet still struggle with feeling good about their body and making truly nourishing choices happen consistently and sustainably in their full lives.

Nina’s passion stems from her own personal struggle with weight & body-image. Nina’s journey to reclaiming her body and health, despite numerous challenges, has led to her deep commitment to help women reclaim their primary home – their body.

She works with individuals and groups via video conferencing and is the founder of The Nourished Woman Nation – a free Facebook community of women who want to care for themselves in the way they deserve.

She also writes poetic essays about the experience of being in an authentic relationship with one’s body.

You can learn more about Nina here: