Totally Well is a place where we get curious, ask questions and explore everything to do with health, wellness, fitness, personal development, helping people and all the things it takes to help you live a strong, joyous life.

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My guest on this episode of Totally Well Podcast is Mark Palmer, Speaker, Writer specializing in neurodiversity, autism and mental health.

Reach out to Mark at his website and on Twitter @markpwriter

About Mark Palmer:

I have struggled with my mental health for a long as I can remember, and I was formally diagnosed with severe depression in 2006. 

In addition, I have always felt that I was very different from most other people, whether it was when I was being bullied at school or struggling with interpersonal skills at work. 

I have worked in policy the UK public sector for nearly 30 years, and I was finally diagnosed as autistic in my mid 40s which came as a huge relief. 

I am hugely passionate about mental health and neurodiversity, in particular the need for greater education about these conditions and the many positives that neuro-diverse people can bring to the workplace if a few small adjustments are made to accommodate them. 

I enjoy public speaking about neurodiversity, and I am now trying to launch a new career as a freelance writer specialising in autism and mental health. When not working I enjoy reading and gardening. 

Reach out to Mark at his website and on Twitter @markpwriter