Personal pain is a catalyst for growth. In this episode, Amelia interviews Emily Ghosh as she shares her strategy on transcending self-imposed limiting beliefs, deconstructing the American Dream, and how to achieve your highest version of soul-activation and so much more. 

Emily Ghosh Harris is an entrepreneur, podcast host, and speaker. She is the founder of Soul Media, a media company that women entrepreneurs and conscious companies make global impact and the founder of Soul Women’s Collective, a global network committed to help connect, inspire, and activate personal transformation and spiritual growth for women everywhere.


In this episode, we talk about:

Overcoming a chaotic childhood as an empathFinding self acceptance within How Emily recovered from people pleasing & perfectionismAuthenticity, taking off the mask & facade Deconstructing the overworking modelRecovering from unhealthy habitsExpanding awareness to heal limiting beliefs


Emily's Offerings:

Women’s Conference Event: March 21, Tampa // 1 Day 

SHINE Retreat - Overcoming fears, limiting beliefs, stepping into your power 


Totally Stoked Book Club Selection: 

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

In The Four Agreements, bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.


Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be by HeatherAsh Amara

In Warrior Goddess Training, bestselling author HeatherAsh Amara provides the antidote to the flawed idea that you are not enough.Direct, honest, and unapologetic, Amara will show you how to release the layers of expectations to finally see yourself for the authentic, perceptive, perfect woman you really are. If you don’t love and honor yourself with every fiber of your being, if you struggle with owning your power and passion, if you could use more joyful play and simple presence in your life, then it is time for an inner revolution. It is time to claim your Warrior Goddess energy.


Emily is also loves reading books from Penney Peirce, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Deepak Chopra


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Soul Media’s Website: 

Emily’s Podcast: