In real estate, the failure rate and number of people leaving the industry is high. What are some of the mistakes driving the frustration people have in the business? How do morning routines contribute to having a successful day? How can we create a bottom-up team culture that will encourage growth and accountability?

On this episode, industry veteran and top-producing team leader, Gina Tufano, shares the lessons she’s learned and talks about what has kept her going for over 20 years.



Takeaways & Tactics

Why downturns are a time of opportunity
Gina’s business grew the most between 2006 and 2011, a time where growth felt impossible. The lesson is even if the market is bad, people will always need to move and they will always need help. If we can provide it and do that well, out businesses won’t shrink it can actually grow.


Don’t see leverage as a cost, see it as an investment
Many real estate agents see an assistant as an expense and something negative, and they feel like giving an agent a lead means you’re losing half of the money. It’s important to realize that getting help and sharing the load improves our quality of life. The money we spend, or cut in half is actually an investment in our quality of life.


Why we have to “stay the course” in business
When business isn’t going as well as we’d hoped, it’s natural to feel the need to take on a part time job to make more money. But the truth is, our businesses won’t get better if we devote less time to them.

Growing a business has many phases, and one of the most common ones is frustration. There are going to be days where it feels like nothing is working. Even for the best agents, frustration sets in, but we have to be able to stay the course. Whether we’re trying out a new lead source or marketing tactic, we have to be able to push through the more difficult moments. Success in real estate doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible—and even likely— if we follow the right steps.     

Guest Bio

Gina is the CEO & Team Leader at Team AGC. Go to for more information.   To contact Dustin Fox head to: