What sort of work do you do day‐to‐day?

Hailley executes on PR strategies, emails reporters interacting with Buffer, writes and publish blog content, records podcasts, works on campaigns related to Buffer culture.

What is your daily to‐do list tool? And why?

Todoist (iOS/Android/Mac/Windows/Web) (Both for personal and work tasks)

How do you go about taking notes?

Physical notebook (For quick notes)
Dropbox Paper (Android/iOS) (For long-term notes)

Do you use a certain tool for tracking projects? Or do you solely

use a task list?

Dropbox Paper (Android/iOS) for collaboration
Trello (iOS/Android/Windows) (For high level overviews)

What hardware do you use for work? (phone, laptop, pc)

iPhone 7
Magic Trackpad
Yeti Blue Microphone

What are your 3 favoured apps for getting the work done? (Eg.

marketing, designing)

Todoist (iOS/Android/Mac/Windows/Web)
Dropbox Paper (Android/iOS)
Trello (iOS/Android/Windows)

What are your team communication tools?

Slack (iOS/Android/Windows/Mac)


Twist (iOS/Android/Mac/Windows)

What app do you use for handling emails?

Inbox by Gmail (Android/iOS)

What's your planning process? How do you plan for the week or

month ahead?

Plans on Monday morning, adds all the tasks in Todoist prioritizing them with a look at the content calendar.

Do you use any analog/offline processes?

Fitbit (For reminders to move every hour)
Plans things for the end of the day to unplug and treats the laptop has her office.

Find Hailley:

Twitter - @hailleymari
Website - here
Podcast - MakeWorkWork

Special Guest: Hailley Griffis.

Twitter Mentions