What sort of work do you do day‐to‐day?

After a rich morning routine (meditation, reading, journaling, and exercising), Tomas spends his days focusing on his blog, catching up with emails, and editing his upcoming book.

What is your daily to‐do list tool? And why?

Todoist (iOS/Android/Mac/Windows/Web) (Both for personal and work tasks)

How do you go about taking notes?

Physical notebook
Apple Notes (iOS/Mac) (For notes on the go)
Evernote (iOS/Android/Mac/Windows) (For longer notes)

What do you use when it comes to organising your calendar?

WorldTimeBuddy (For checking out timezones)
Apple Calendar (Mac/iOS)

Do you use a certain tool for tracking projects? Or do you solely use a task list?

Tomas tracks his projects following his self-awareness rules and the Mental Framework.

What hardware do you use for work? (phone, laptop, pc)

13-inch MacBook Pro
iPhone X
Apple Mouse
Audio-Technica Microphone
Zoom H1 Handy Recorder
Sony RX100 Camera
Apple Magic Keyboard
STANDapart laptop stand
Beats Studio 3 Wireless Headphones
Beats Wireless Earphones

Do you use any analog/offline processes?

Set internet-free hours
No phone on Sunday and just read or meet people outside
Monitor your energy in order to understand when to be productive or not, be more spontaneous from time to time

Find Tomas:

Newsletter - here
Blog - here
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Special Guest: Tomas Laurinavicius.

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