This week’s episode is brought to you by Holger Seim, Co-founder and CEO of Blinkist.

Holger Seim is the Co-founder and CEO of Blinkist, an app that condenses non-fiction books in 15-minute reads. Holger is based in Berlin.

What does your day-to-day job and work look like?

Holger’s work is involved in marketing, business management and it’s focused on the growth of his company.

What do you use to tally all of your most important tasks together?

Asana (iOS/Android/Web) (Both for work and personal tasks)

What hardware do you use every day? (phone, laptop, pc)

13-inch MacBook Air
iPhone 8

What are your favorite apps/tools for work? (Eg. marketing, designing)

Blinkist (iOS/Android/Web)
Slack (iOS/Android/Web/Mac/Windows)
Spotify (iOS/Android/Web/Mac/Windows)
Spark (iOS/Mac)
Runtastic (iOS/Android)

What does your morning routine look like?

Holger wakes up at 7AM, takes a shower and then leaves the house to go to the office, where he plans the day ahead.

Do you get moments to pause in your day, if so, what do you do?

He tries to schedule a running session before lunch to free the mind.

What book are you reading at the moment?

Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley by Adam Fisher
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Noah Harari
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Noah Harari

Where can we find you and all of your wonderful things?

Blinkist - here
LinkedIn - here
Twitter - @hlgrsm

Disclosure: These show notes contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through the link, I will earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. If you choose to use them, thank you for supporting the podcast! All opinions expressed are my own.

Special Guest: Holger Seim.

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