#17 - Screw The Naysayers with Tim Alison

Today we are joined by none other than Tim Alison. He is a business entrepreneur and coach, a speaker, as well as a podcast host. He is also the best-selling author of “Screw the Naysayers: They Suck Anyways!”.

He also runs his own podcast show where he shares inspiring stories and tips to overcome doubts and self-limiting beliefs. Go check him out at www.screwthenaysayers.com 

He is also pretty active over at LinkedIn so go and make sure and connect with him at https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-alison.

Main takeaways:

Introduction [0:38]Listen to Tim Alison’s story [1:31]The reason he moved to Nova Scotia [3:50]What pushed Tim to make the change? [7:22]Tim’s belief: we are living in a crazy pace while destroying this planet [11:56]On living in alignment of your values [16:20]The importance of filtering out the people that surrounds you [22:37]“You have to have people in your world who are trying to evolve at the same pace as you are.” [24:24]Handling change [25:21]Did Tim know he made the right choice as soon as he moved to Nova Scotia? [25:50]On handling self-limiting beliefs [28:44]What does he want to achieve with his podcast? [32:40]What does Tim love doing the most? [33:55]What question should people be asking right now? [36:33]Where to find Tim Alison [39:27]

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