Need a little kick in the pants during this shelter-in-place? Well here it is! We have all been getting through this pandemic in different ways, and trust I know this situation is scary, and crappy and down right discouraging. If you are a small business the toll things have taken on us are unprecedented and for some, they have lost everything! But we rise...we start again and we don't give up! When door after door after door closes we find new doors to open, kick down or just burn down until we have reached our goals!

I have been on fire I must admit, this big fat red reset button sitting on my desk was slammed with double fist a few months ago and I have admit, I have been proud of the work that has been done. There is SO much more to do, but one of things that was accomplished was the launch of Tog Academy, a free online education group for novice/beginner and intermediate photographers. There is also a learning path for beginner film and wedding photographers. I am finally sharing what I know in a way that is organized and sets you up for success no matter what level you are. This is a slow paced learning group, and we will all grow together!

I look forward to seeing you there! Join Tog Academy Today!