With Sandra Ali, award-winning journalist and news anchor


Do you know that one of the most stressful life events a person can experience is a job change? Even if we’re leaving for more money or a better opportunity, we may still feel a tremendous sense of anxiety at the thought of “starting over” and having to prove ourselves in a new position. The very thought of change can be stressful and sometimes we may avoid making a change simply because we feel more comfortable in our current situation. For example, perhaps you’re unhappy in your current living situation but the thought of packing up and moving to a new home is just too overwhelming. However, staying somewhere just because it feels “comfortable” doesn’t lead to happiness or fulfillment. While a career or housing move are examples of major life changes we initiate, sometimes changes come without warning or action on our part. The loss of a loved one, going through a separation or divorce, undergoing major surgery, or being terminated from a job are examples of stressful life events. But sometimes even these traumatic life-altering events can eventually result in positive changes. For example, breaking off a toxic or unhealthy relationship can lead to other happier relationships. Moving to a new home can be a wonderful chance to meet new friends and improve our quality of life.


When we have an opportunity in front of us, we have to carefully evaluate and weigh out the options. How do we know when to make a change in our life? What is the right time to leave the comfortable and familiar “nest” to try something different? My guest today is award-winning news anchor, Sandra Ali. After more than a decade at the local NBC Affiliate, WDIV, Sandra recently became the news anchor at CBS News Detroit Morning. For many years, CBS didn’t have a local presence. Now the network is fully committed to earning their place as Detroit’s preferred source for up-to-the-minute news. Sandra is part of the winning team to make that happen. We’re going to talk with her about what led to this change and how she knew it was the right time.


What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

How did Sandra know it was time to make a change?

As a single mother, what was the thought process for Sandra to make a big career switch?

What were some of Sandra’s biggest concerns and challenges with making a major move?

What about the fear of regretting a decision?

How Sandra prioritizes herself and her wellness during her busy schedule.

What were some of Sandra’s favorite moments while at WDIV?

What about this move to CBS News Detroit Morning has surprised Sandra the most and made her the happiest?

Sandra shares some great advice for those who may be looking to make a big change in their life.


Today’s Takeaway:

One of the life lessons we’ve heard from Tony Robbins is the saying, “By changing nothing, nothing changes.” As scary as the thought of making a major change is, if we’re unhappy or dissatisfied with our life, then perhaps, a fresh start is the answer. If it’s a situation at work that’s bringing you down, then finding a new opportunity where you feel energized, valued, and productive may be just what you need. If a relationship is causing more unhappiness than joy and you simply can’t work it out, it may be a sign that this relationship is not healthy for you. As we’ve heard today, making a choice to go in a different direction from our familiar path is never an easy one, but ultimately it can bring us to a much better place than we’re at now. If you’re contemplating making a big change and you’re finding it difficult to come to a decision, take a step back to look at it objectively. Write down all the major pros and cons. Talk it over with a trusted friend or confidant. Try to visualize what “living that change” will look like for you. Making a major change won’t happen overnight. It’s a process that takes time and effort. There may be some initial discomfort. But after the initial culture shock and growing pains subside, you’ll start to see things in a whole new light, and that fresh beginning could be everything you hoped for and more. Remember that every day is a gift and the gift we get taking that leap into something new can be the start of a truly magical journey. I’m Florine Mark, and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“I had that kind of nagging where I knew that I was meant to be doing more.” — Sandra [3:27]

“I think for me, it was all about growth. I think that we know as women when we’ve done everything we can and we’ve topped out, whether it’s in a relationship, a friendship, a job, whatever it might be.” — Sandra [7:25]

“I knew that there had to be some other challenges and some other opportunity for growth for me. I needed more.” — Sandra [7:35]

“Sometimes you just have to jump in and do it and set all of those fears aside.” — Sandra [9:29]

“It may not be perfect, but there's a lesson there somewhere.” — Sandra [9:59]

“It’s so exciting to be part of something that is at the ground level. We’re starting from scratch.” — Sandra [12:29]

“In terms of how we want this to look and how we want to present, the sky’s the limit, which is fantastic. That doesn’t happen often, and it doesn't happen often in TV news, for sure.” — Sandra [13:15]

“Stop moving. Take a moment, to get grounded, take as much time as you need to become aware of what you want so that you can think clearly and you can make a decision coming from a place of peace and groundedness.” — Sandra [14:11]


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Mentioned in This Episode:

Sandra Ali

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