With Sandra Ali, award-winning journalist and news anchor


One of the biggest challenges working women face is finding that delicate

balance between a fulfilling home and family life and our demanding

work schedule. Juggling the responsibilities of work and child care can feel overwhelming but it’s equally important that we make time for ourselves to recharge our batteries with an active, enjoyable social life and supportive friends.


Sometimes, just to fit it all in, we have to make a few sacrifices. For example, it may mean attending an event but leaving early in order to fulfill another pre-existing obligation, or learning to creatively multi-task and find additional time in unexpected ways. One person who has mastered the art of the multi-task, is award-winning journalist and news anchor, Sandra Ali. Fitting in Zoom meetings or podcast interviews while waiting for her children in the school pick-up lane in her car is just one of the many ways Sandra makes the most out of her packed schedule. But even the most disciplined and organized among us may encounter the occasional speed bump. When that happens, it might be time to take a step back to re-assess the situation and consider alternative scenarios. Recognizing that a change is called for is only part of the solution. Knowing how and when to make that change can be just as challenging. Recently, Sandra found herself in that very situation. She realized that a change might be in order and she sat down with Florine to tell her how she decided it was the right time to make a change.


Be sure to tune in next week and listen to Florine’s brand-new interview with Sandra Ali and hear all about her exciting lifestyle change and what life looks like today. In the meantime, please listen to Florine’s initial interview with Sandra from February of 2022 as she talks about the challenges facing working mothers.


What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

Sandra talks about moving to Egypt as a child before returning to New York to go to school.

What does Sandra remember about living in Egypt?

Sandra talks about attending both NYU for musical theatre and Syracuse University for journalism.

What made Sandra decide to get into journalism?

What are some crazy or strange things that have happened to Sandra while on air?

How does Sandra keep detached from a story that is highly emotional?

How was it for Sandra to be in the public eye when she was pregnant?

Sandra prioritizes spending quality time with her four children, even if it means sacrificing other activities like making beds or doing laundry.

What does Sandra mean by learning to put herself first?

Sandra leads by example by showing her kids what it looks like to eat healthy foods and take care of your body.

How can we treat pregnant women better in our society?


Today’s Takeaway:

There are so many things we can learn from Sandra. She’s a wonderful role model for women showing that even in the fast-paced, competitive world of broadcast TV news, it’s possible to find a healthy, work-life balance. Sandra is candid about her own journey and shares how she learned to practice good self-care. As working mothers, it’s so important to prioritize our own needs and learn to set healthy boundaries for ourselves. But what does that look like? Maybe it involves learning to say, “No” to the demands of others or setting aside that valuable “Me Time” to go for a run or yoga. Whatever it is that makes you feel better and gets your endorphins flowing enough to recharge your battery those precious few minutes can make all the difference. Instead of feeling exhausted or mentally drained, just giving ourselves that little break can help us regain the physical and emotional energy we need to be present at home or on the job. Remember that every single day is a gift and when we make ourselves a priority, we get stronger and everyone else around us benefits from that healthy example that we set. I’m Florine Mark, and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“It’s a cultural thing, that you have family members step in and help when you don’t have anyone else.” — Sandra [5:41]

“I fell in love with the theater. To me, it was magical, and it was like an escape, and I fell in love with everything about the theater.” — Sandra [8:04]

“I fell in love with books and the written word, and I've always been that way.” — Sandra [9:08]

“Ultimately, what wins is usually a surprise.” — Sandra [13:26]

“I have a lot of mom friends who will watch something and call me immediately afterward and say, how did you sit through that?” — Sandra [14:09]

“I know the most important thing that I had decided was that I have to let [my children] know how much I love them all of the time, no matter what.” — Florine [19:33]

“It wasn’t until I really started to prioritize the things that I needed that were non-negotiable that changed everything for me.” — Sandra [22:18]


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Mentioned in This Episode:

Sandra Ali

Sandra Ali on Instagram