with Janette Ghedotte, licensed Clinical Psychologist, Founder, and CEO of Accurate Body Language. 


Have you ever heard the saying, “What a person doesn’t say is often far more revealing than what they do say?” We may not be aware of it, but without saying a word, our posture or the look on our face can speak volumes. Even when we’re not aware of it, we may give off subtle little signs that reveal our true thoughts and emotions. But when our body language conflicts with our words, it may have an adverse effect on our relationships with family and friends. Others may question whether we are being sincere in what we’re saying to them. We may wonder if they’re lying to us. It might even negatively impact our career as well. For example, our credibility in the workplace could be damaged if managers or co-workers suspect we’re not being truthful. This may be especially harmful when working with customers or clients who rely upon our honesty. That’s just one example of why reading body language is so important. Learning how to interpret those cues is what the study of body language is all about. If you want to learn more about the subtle non verbal signals that reveal a person’s true feelings or if you just want to make sure your words match your own body language, you’ll want to listen to my interview with Janette Ghedotte, a licensed Clinical Psychologist, Founder, and CEO of Accurate Body Language, Janette is known for her ability to analyze a person’s hidden emotions and determine whether a person is telling the truth or being deceitful. 


What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

What is body language? 

How did Janette first become interested in the study of body language? 

What are some ways that we understand facial and body language, and what can facial expressions tell us about that person? 

Why is it so important that a mother understands facial and body language? 

How can understanding body language help us in business and as an employer? 

It’s important to remember that every body language gesture is just one piece of the puzzle.

Some body language giveaways that someone is being dishonest. 

An example of someone in the public eye whose mannerisms really don't match their verbal responses.

The importance of body language in politics and business.

Why are people suffering from addiction more likely to be deceptive? 

How can someone practice their mannerisms to overcome nervous habits and movements? 


Today’s Takeaway:

Lies and deceptive behavior occur everyday. We’ve all heard stories of being misled by false advertising or individuals who have been taken advantage of by a con man. Maybe you know someone who suffers from addiction and you've fallen for their deceptive behavior. We might fall for their lies simply because we truly want to believe that individual is telling the truth and besides, they would never lie to us. Or, would they? But just imagine if you could know when someone is deliberately lying to you. If we could learn the signs and behavioral clues that accompany and contradict their words, we wouldn’t have to second guess ourselves. We wouldn’t have to question whether we can trust them or feel betrayed afterwards. When we’re at our job, body language awareness for both ourselves and others could lead to increased sales and a healthier, happier workplace. Remember that every day is a gift and the gift we get from being able to know who we can depend upon for their honesty, integrity and truthfulness is a priceless gift. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



 “Anything nonverbal is communicating often with greater trustworthiness and credibility than the spoken word, which can be manipulative, and deceitful.” - Janette [7:30] 

“The way you move across the stage or onpoint helps put context and credibility to your verbal words.” - Janette [9:16] 

“Women who raise their babies women typically are better at catching body language clues, because they have that practice with raising babies.” - Janette [10:08] 

“If you don't know these clues, then you miss that opportunity to resolve the prospective discomfort, objections, or uncertainty. And what we don't know costs us more than we ever realized.” - Janette [13:10] 

“The greater the motivation, the greater the amount of potential to lie.” - Janette [19:48] 

“From head to toes, the body always shows the truth.” - Janette [24:49] 

“When we know how to detect and decode body language, it is our superpower.” [25:18] - Janette 


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Mentioned in This Episode:

Accurate Body Language