With Sleep Medicine Specialist Dr. David Gessert


Does a good night’s sleep come easy to you? Or do you struggle to unwind, unplug, and get the rest that your body is craving? Do you wake up constantly throughout the night, or find it hard to fall asleep in the first place? Just like nourishing our bodies with healthy, nutritious meals, getting enough exercise, and spending quality time with loved ones and outdoors, quality sleep is essential to our overall health.  And while it may seem like a luxury, without enough sleep each night, we put our bodies at risk for serious medical conditions, and might even shorten our lifespan.


My guest today, Dr. David Gessert, is an American Board of Internal Medicine certified doctor who specializes in sleep medicine and sleep disorders. He is here to explain how too little sleep can really damage our health and shares simple ways that we can improve our chances of getting a really good night’s sleep.


What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

How did David get involved in sleep medicine? What is sleep deprivation? How much sleep should adults aim to get every night? How much sleep do children and teenagers need? What are the five categories of sleep disorders? What is sleep apnea and why do people snore? How can some people function on very little sleep? Is it healthy to sleep 9-11 hours a night? Is it possible to catch up on lost sleep? What is included in healthy sleep hygiene? Does lack of sleep cause weight gain? How does loss of sleep affect your immune system and mental health? How can you combat chronic sleep deprivation? What is involved in sleep apnea testing and treatments? How can someone work with Dr. David Gessert?


Today’s Takeaway:

A chronic lack of sleep is not only exhausting and leaves us feeling tired and irritable, but it can also be extremely damaging to our health. It’s not just our physical health that can be affected — a chronic lack of sleep can also trigger bouts of extreme anxiety, depression, and even weight gain. But the good news is there are many ways to make up for lost sleep, like practicing good sleep hygiene.  Making positive changes by creating a healthy bedtime routine might help you sleep better at night. Identify the factors that are preventing you from getting your best night’s sleep. Eliminate caffeine and power drinks after midday, reduce your alcohol consumption, practice meditation or deep breathing, and avoid heavy meals before bedtime. By providing our body with the adequate rest it needs, we are not only able to perform at our best the following day, but we’re able to be there for our loved ones as well. Remember, every day is a gift, and the gift of a good night’s sleep is a gift we need to give ourselves.



“A lot of the really good quality sleep comes at the end of a long stretch of sleep.” — David


“For people who continuously don’t get enough sleep, their performance continues to decline.” — David


“It’s not really possible to catch up on sleep. You have to maintain getting adequate sleep each night.” — David


“Simple fixes can have a very large difference in your sleep quality.” — David


Brought to You By:

Florine Mark


Mentioned in This Episode:

David Gessert, MD

Make an appointment with Dr. Gessert or call 313-916-4417