With Weight Loss Success Story Anne Linsangan 


Did you know that having a diet or workout buddy can really make a big difference in achieving your health and fitness goals?  A recent study found that 70% of people who exercise with a friend or partner achieved their desired goal.  Finding another person to exercise with can provide an added layer of commitment and accountability.  A study conducted by ExerciseFriends.Com showed that individuals who checked in two to three times a week with a friend to share their weight loss progress enjoyed a success rate of over 89%!  Making the commitment to reach your goals together provides additional support as you begin a new diet regimen or fitness routine.  It’s truly a win-win scenario to both celebrate each other’s success and hold each other compatible.  It’s not only more fun to have a companion, but if you feel unmotivated, an exercise buddy can provide friendly competition and added motivation to get you started.  And keep you going!


Today we revisit my interview with Anne Linsangan from April of 2019.  As a result of their successful health and fitness journey, Anne and her husband have appeared on the Today Show and in People magazine.  Together they lost an astounding 250 pounds.  They hope to inspire others in their weight loss journey and she shares with us how they did it.

What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

More about Anne’s childhood and personal story. When did Anne begin to put on extra weight? How did Anne lose 60 pounds the first time around? What Anne’s WW experience was like. When did Anne lose her weight the second time? How does Anne monitor her daughter’s diet? What does a typical day and meal look like for Anne’s family? What were some of the most helpful things from WW meetings? What was it like being on the Today Show? What was the People magazine interview like? How did Anne get her whole family involved in her health & fitness journey? How Anne decided to run half marathons. Does Anne still go out to eat?

Today’s Takeaway:  

I love to exercise!  Actually, that’s not true, but I do it because it also helps me to feel good and look better. It’s not that I hate exercise, but sometimes I get up in the morning and doubt if I can actually do it.  Or, I’ll come up with excuses to delay it.  But once I get started, I always feel better!  

If you’re looking to be more active or fit, there are many benefits to working out with a partner.  Having an exercise buddy can inspire you to try new fitness challenges or push yourself harder.  Just like Anne and her husband discovered how much they really enjoyed running marathons together, you and a friend or partner might discover your special thing. The only people that fail are the people that don’t try.  Don’t forget, just as your workout buddy can inspire you, you can help them achieve their goals.  The support you provide to each other can be invaluable.  So commit to holding each other accountable!  If your partner is having a rough day and wants to skip a workout, don’t let them off the hook so easily!  Even a modified workout is better than not working out at all.  You may be surprised how once the endorphins start flowing, you’ll want to keep going.  Find a routine that you truly enjoy so you’ll be inspired to do it...together!  Give yourself the gift of life every single day, and be sure to eat those fruits and vegetables!  I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“You find people that you connect with that are going through the same struggles as you are...that have the same challenges.” - Anne

“It feels really good for people you haven’t seen in a while to do that double take.” - Anne 

“This doesn’t happen overnight.  We are working on building a healthy lifestyle and working on how to balance this weight loss life with real life.” - Anne 

“It really became a family-oriented weight loss journey.” - Anne

Brought to You By:

Florine Mark


Mentioned in This Episode: 


Anne’s People Article

Anne on the Today Show