If you want to be certain that you will never face a challenge or find yourself in a difficult bind, then it is very important to have tame and realistic goals. Goals that you know you can achieve with minimal effort and hardship.

However, if you want to have any degree of excitement and experience real growth in your life, then you’re going to have to make plans and set goals that other people will very likely label as unrealistic.

This kind of goals often come with a high degree of risk. You rarely know how you will achieve them until you start. And more often than not, the result you achieve will not be exactly what you set out to do in the first place.

Unrealistic goal setters tend to be happier, more positive people. They have high energy levels because they thrive on challenges and love the thrill of achievement.

Video versions of this podcast are available on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/c/TonyCurl/

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