Welcome to Episode 426 of The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Best Leaders Today. Leadership is in many ways, ALL about integrity. No one willingly follows leaders that can't be trusted and act in a dishonest manner. Which brings me to today's guest, Gordon Graham.

Gordon thought he had seen it all in his 30-year-long career working as an IT professional for the electric utility industry. It wasn't until 3 decades had passed that he witnessed the intimidation, distrust, and secrecy that can dismantle a team within seconds. His new book, The Intrepid Brotherhood, details his journey uncovering the corruption running rampant in a rural Pacific Northwest public utility company, and why Gordon decided to stand up for ethical professional values at the expense of his job.


Gordon can be contacted:

W: https://intrepidbrotherhood.com/

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/gordon-graham-57385319a/


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You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule “ Don t be an A-Hole

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