Welcome to episode 428 of The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrows' Best Leaders Today. The last couple of years, we have seen every leader face challenges head-on, no matter the field.  One challenge some faced was the prospect of redundancy or business closure, and this is the topic of our discussion today. 

Gaj Ravichandra is a Peak Performance Coach, Mental Toughness Expert, Mindset coach, Registered Psychologist and the co-founder of Kompass Consultancy, a global Talent Management Consultancy that enables Performance Excellence. For 20 years, Gaj has worked with leading organizations, sporting teams and educational institutions in the region and around the world to enhance productivity, maximize performance, and accelerate career growth. He does a lot of corporate, group and 1:1 coaching on developing mental toughness, career pivots, helping people find their purpose, turning a problem into an opportunity and general tips for increasing mental resilience.     

Gaj has built a career based on his passion for helping people, teams and organisation’s to hit their peak performance. As a career coach, he helps people every day to map out their careers and take tangible steps to achieve their goals.


Gaj can be contacted:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaj-ravichandra/

Website: https://kompassconsultancy.com/


Video versions of this podcast are available on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/c/TonyCurl/

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