Have you seen innovation theatre? Have you participated in Death by Pilot?
I believe this is prevalent in healthcare. Today we look at two stories.
Livongo founder says the time for 'piloting' is over - HeatlhcareITNews
Innovation theatre killed my company: lessons from Ernit - Sifted.EU
The way Tullman sees it, we're at a pivotal moment in digital health.  
"I believe the next 18 months will define the next five years," he said. "If you're not moving now, you've got to stop piloting. You've got to stop studying. You've got to jump in," he said.
“By the end I was a pilot master — I knew exactly how to sell a pilot to a bank. We could have built a business just out of doing pilots — but that’s obviously not what we had set out to do, says Nielsen.
“Corporate innovation theatre was part of a pattern that led to our downfall,” Nielsen says.
You know when you finally hear a concept that gets connected to something you've been seeing and experiencing for years and everything starts to come into focus. That was the concept of innovation theatre for me.
Have you seen innovation theatre or death by pilot in healthcare?

Have you seen innovation theatre? Have you participated in Death by Pilot?

I believe this is prevalent in healthcare. Today we look at two stories.

Livongo founder says the time for 'piloting' is over - HeatlhcareITNews

Innovation theatre killed my company: lessons from Ernit - Sifted.EU


The way Tullman sees it, we're at a pivotal moment in digital health.  

"I believe the next 18 months will define the next five years," he said. "If you're not moving now, you've got to stop piloting. You've got to stop studying. You've got to jump in," he said.


“By the end I was a pilot master — I knew exactly how to sell a pilot to a bank. We could have built a business just out of doing pilots — but that’s obviously not what we had set out to do, says Nielsen.

“Corporate innovation theatre was part of a pattern that led to our downfall,” Nielsen says.


You know when you finally hear a concept that gets connected to something you've been seeing and experiencing for years and everything starts to come into focus. That was the concept of innovation theatre for me.

Have you seen innovation theatre or death by pilot in healthcare?
