Is October 2022 on your calendar yet? Beyond being my birthday month, it is also when the Information Blocking rule goes to the next set of data, unstructured data.

As of April 5, 2021, healthcare providers, certified health IT developers, and health information exchanges (HIEs) needed to abide by the information blocking regulations. Yet, Tripathi wants healthcare organizations to look at the larger picture, with several compliance dates on the horizon within the next 18 months.

In 18 months, the floodgates will open, making healthcare organizations responsible for sharing that structured data as well as some unstructured data, presenting a bigger challenge, Tripathi said.

Wouldn't it be great if we didn't fight this or procrastinate but rather build out the framework and establish a core set of partners who use the data on behalf of our patients and community to further health goals?

A man can dream.

#cio #cmio #healthIT #healthcare #chime #himss #interoperability

Is October 2022 on your calendar yet? Beyond being my birthday month, it is also when the Information Blocking rule goes to the next set of data, unstructured data.

As of April 5, 2021, healthcare providers, certified health IT developers, and health information exchanges (HIEs) needed to abide by the information blocking regulations. Yet, Tripathi wants healthcare organizations to look at the larger picture, with several compliance dates on the horizon within the next 18 months.

In 18 months, the floodgates will open, making healthcare organizations responsible for sharing that structured data as well as some unstructured data, presenting a bigger challenge, Tripathi said.

Wouldn't it be great if we didn't fight this or procrastinate but rather build out the framework and establish a core set of partners who use the data on behalf of our patients and community to further health goals?

A man can dream.

#cio #cmio #healthIT #healthcare #chime #himss #interoperability