Welcome to a brand new segment on the To Be Blunt podcast!

The T(hc) Break is here to accomplish two things:

1. Encourage more transparency in the cannabis industry as it relates to HOT TOPICS
and 2. Spill some piping hot T(HC) and talk about controversial issues so we can better work towards a solution together, as an industry.

I have and always will be here to speak as bluntly as possible, and yes this is still a marketing and business podcast, but I also believe in the power of education, and despite cannabis being around for tens of thousands of years, the legal market as we see it today is just getting ramped up.

We no longer just have marijuana and THC, we talk about terpenes, and minor cannabinoids. We've reinvigorated the hemp plant with its multitude of uses and applications.  We're beyond just smoking the flower and have seen consumption methods adopted from dissolvable powders to patches. And the language for which we discuss this plant is amateur at best, we are a work in progress.

So this segment aims to tackle that, more real time issues and news. Mixed with honest viewpoints and perspectives, not to force "it's my way or the highway," but to create a safe space for ALL OF US, to level up this industry together.

Today's episode discusses:
Is Delta 8 THC A synthetic?

Delta 8 THC is a hot topic here in Texas, and really across the United States. It's gotten a bad reputation for being called a Synthetic, a D9 substitute, and other negative associations. But I have and will always defend all cannabinoids. I believe if it comes from the plant, it plays a role in how we experience the plant. And thanks to research, we are beginning to do the research to better understand these individual components of the cannabis plant.

With that said, I think that it is fair to say that yes there is BAD DELTA 8 THC out there, just like there is BAD DELTA 9 THC out there as well. That is the reality. We have a lot of work to do as an industry. But from personal experience, lots of consumers are finding true relief with Delta 8 THC, and I believe that we should be paying attention to that. Paying attention to the pharmaceutical industry who is isolating cannabinoids. And giving these cannabinoids a fair fighting chance before writing them off.

Joining me today for the discussion is Chemist Mark Krause, and his son and Hemp business owner and manufacturer Marco Krause. They are based here in Austin, and have become great resources for myself personally. I really have enjoyed getting to learn from Mark and Marco over the years, and decided I would invite them on to have an open and transparent discussion focusing on the chemistry of Delta 8 for the podcast to inspire curiosity and a new perspective. As always, please reach out if you have any questions or thoughts to add.

A little more about my guests:
Mark Krause is currently the laboratory and technical director for Krause Analytical, LLC. He has extensive experience and expertise in the application and interpretation of chromatographic and spectroscopic methods of analysis to samples from a wide variety of sources. He has over 40 years of direct experience in environmental chemistry, food residue analysis, semiconductor, bioanalytical, pharmaceutical and trace forensic analysis.

Marco Krause is a former athlete and is currently studying to become a pharmacologist.
Having had extensive shoulder pain, and ankle surgery, Marco has suffered from
chronic pain and started Dr. MAK’s Apothecary

RESTART CBD is an education first CBD wellness brand shipping nationwide.

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