In this episode, we look at the mental health benefits of getting outside more often.

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What to do if you're having mental health issues

Try getting outside

Spending time outdoors improves mood by

Interrupting the negativity loop in the brain
Sights and sounds of outdoors is soothing “It's not clear exactly why outdoor excursions have such a positive mental effect. Yet, in a 2015 study, researchers compared the brain activity of healthy people after they walked for 90 minutes in either a natural setting or an urban one. They found that those who did a nature walk had lower activity in the prefrontal cortex, a brain region that is active during rumination — defined as repetitive thoughts that focus on negative emotions. “When people are depressed or under high levels of stress, this part of the brain malfunctions, and people experience a continuous loop of negative thoughts," says Dr. Strauss.” -
Promotes movement and physical health

Ways to get more time outside:

Schedule 20-30 minutes a few times a week
Look for nature in local settings – Find trails and parks near by
Ask a friend along – going with others is just as beneficial
