In this episode, we look at how to get back on track when you've lost your habits or routines. 

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The Core Question

When you develop a habit or routine but eventually break it, how do you get it back?

Why this is a problem

Leads to frustration with yourself
Hard to find direction
Feeling overwhelmed
Confirms negative beliefs about self

Why its hard to get back

What you're talking about is an identity. Your way of being.
You were there, and you still identify that way, so it feels like you should be able to just pick back up
You don't necessarily identify the way you are now, even though it is your current reality
So you wake up every day feeling like you should be this person...even though you aren't
It's like if you grew up super super rich and then lost all your money. It still feels like you're rich. You still think like you're rich. You probably still act like you're rich. So the reality of where you are currently can't ever quit settle in.

How do we get back there

Remember that you didn't get there all at once. You grew into that person little by little over time. But yet you are trying to and expecting to get BACK there all at once. that expectation is still there because you still feel like that person. So you have to accept that you aren't that person anymore. You could be again, but as of this moment you are not that person. Accept that and treat it like a journey you are going on to get there from scratch
Stop focusing on getting back to where you were and start focusing on getting to somewhere better than here. A focus on getting back to is a focus on the end goal. A focus on improvement from where you are is a focus on progress with a splash of empathy
Make a list of everything you liked about yourself when you were that person.. Get clear on what exactly it is you are trying to become. It's hard to "get back to" something because you are thinking about it as a whole picture. Break that person down to the individual habits and routines that made them up...then focus on each piece individually. It won't be quick but you'll build back up to that person again.

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