In this episode, we talk about staying present and living in the moment, because this is Tiny Leaps, Big Changes. 

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The Highlights:

It's getting harder and harder to stay present
Everything in life is competing for your attention
By taking control of your attention you can improve your focus

The Quotes: 

"Depression lives in the past and anxiety lives in the future. Alternately, calmness and peace of mind live in the present." - Elyssa Barbash

"Harvard psychologists Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert found that people spend almost 47% of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they’re currently doing."

The Takeaway:

"Monotasking, also known as single-tasking, is the practice of dedicating oneself to a given task and minimizing potential interruptions until the task is completed or a significant period of time has elapsed. Monotasking contrasts with multitasking, which is the ability to divide one's focus among multiple tasks."
