Is there a sane social media and content creation strategy?

(timestamps below)

Which social media platforms do I need to be on? 

Which social media platform is best for business?

How do I choose which format to use for an idea (video? blog? insta post?)

How do I choose which platform an idea belongs on?


Which platform(s) do my followers want me to be on?

Which channels best serve my goals as a content creator?

Links to references made in the podcast:

The episode where we explain Warren Buffet's favorite exercise for clarity around everything from which social media platforms to use to what you should be doing right now with your time and life. The episode that you didn't see any publicity for because Jema thought it was more important that Berna get an opportunity to learn about her boundaries/the reality of "sunset." Internships!  If you think you'd like free lessons on how-to-do online creator life, email us with a list of what you'd like to learn and why and your thoughts around why you'd make a good student. Case study: Jema's website that she hasn't spent much time on this year (because of the podcast) but that is still doing just fine. Places to talk to us online: Instagram Facebook New Blogger Support Crew (also Facebook)

Timestamp Listening:

1:42 . . . how to choose a format and venue for your content

4:00 . . . the best social media platform for marketing if you're a travel blogger

4:46 . . . a tool to discover which platforms to be on and which content formats to use.

9:10 . . . why Berna struggles so much qth the "what social media should I use?" question.

10:10 . . . an analysis paralysis cure for format and content decisions

10:37 . . . the cue content creators should take from farmers

11:31 . . . the responsibility content creators have to their ideas

12:29 . . . the mistake that kills ideas

13:32 . . . how to overcome analysis paralysis: method 2

13:46 . . . how to know the importance of each of your ideas

14:07 . . . where ideas come from and how to get more

14:42 . . . one thing that happens a lot in this podcast

15:25 . . . what you risk when you wait to take action on an idea

15:52 . . . the empowering process you should follow when creating

16:34 . . . how long you have to capture and start leveraging on an idea

18:11 . . . what working for Instagram's CEO taught Berna about workflow while

18:58 . . . how to eliminate a big barrier to progress in the creative process

21:30 . . . our whole episode summarized in 28 seconds

21:58 . . . how to empower yourself to live in ways that DON'T screw you over

25:38 . . . the exercise to figure out which platforms you should be on

28:32 . . . the hard thing creators have to do to be successful

30:49 . . . Berna's self-assigned homework from the episode - that's she's really excited about.

32:30 . . . how to get your T2B fix between episodes

34:24 . . . what Berna's most dreading right now in her life

35:49 . . . the surprising thing Jema is most dreading

37:30 . . . how you can hear the funny stories that happen behind the scenes