I (Lynnette) just celebrated my 42nd birthday. To celebrate, we are doing something fun on the podcast: unmasking ourselves. Yep, that is right. We are breaking away from our typical parenting talk to tell you some things about us that you might not know, just for funsies.

Greg and I each wrote a list of things about each other that you might find interesting. The best part is that I had no idea what Greg was going to say about me, and he had no idea what I was going to say about him. The reactions are 100% unscripted, which means there is a lot of laughing involved.

What You Will Learn: How we developed our individual athletic prowess (or lack thereof). Why I cannot trust Greg at the grocery store. What I almost studied in college. Some hidden hobbies and talents. How we started dating. And SO MUCH more that will make you laugh and love us even more than you already do (or so we hope).

Find show notes at http://www.lynnettesheppard.com/episode19/

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