Helicopter parents are the cultural norm these days. They have good intentions and are trying to be the best parents they can be. The problem is that this style of parenting is not in the best interest of children because the underlying message is, "I don't trust you. You cannot do things without my help."

If we, as parents, want to raise kids who have the skills, the confidence, and the resilience to navigate the challenges of life, we must set aside our micromanaging tendencies and teach our kids to stand on their own two feet. This episode will teach you how (and why) to do just that.

What you will learn: The three universal struggles of helicopter parents (control, trust, perfectionism). What each of us can and cannot control. Why micromanaging is not teaching, and what to do instead. Why helicopter parents are parenting from a place of fear (often subconsciously), and which fears are most likely to be leading the charge. The likely results of fear-based parenting. How to reframe your fears and your thinking to achieve different results. The three-step process to teach your child a new skill (TSD - tell, show, do). How to get your child to listen and comply with a single request. Why you should never routinely do for your child what he is capable of doing for himself. How competence increases confidence.


Find show notes at http://www.lynnettesheppard.com/episode18/

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