“Comparison is the fastest way to take all the fun out of life.” - Jen Sincero

Seeing acts of comparison and hearing about people’s experiences of comparing themselves to others is something that Jennifer has witnessed often these days. It can be easy to get caught up in what others are doing, especially since people can take in so much information through not only in-person interactions with others, but also through social media.

Focusing on the seemingly perfect lives of others can sometimes trigger us to question if we’re living it up enough in our own lives. 

Our perception of how perfect other people’s lives can be creates a huge illusion that we’re not good enough, that we’re doing something wrong, and that we’ve missed something along the way.

Recently, a client asked Jennifer: How do I get over comparing myself to others?

The thing is, comparison is real and it's something that we all do. Maybe we can't ever make it completely go away, but  there are steps we can take to work through those moments where we find ourselves comparing ourselves to others.

In this podcast, Jennifer offers an alternative perspective to comparison, and some suggested action steps to help move you forward. 

How do you handle moments of comparison? Come share your thoughts at the podcast page here: https://www.riselifestrategies.com/thriving-solo-podcast

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