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Welcome to our latest episode of Thriving with Sarah and Jenny. Today, we delve into a topic that, until recently, has been shrouded in silence, especially in the workplace: menopause. As societies in the UK and Australia begin to embrace menopause-friendly workplace accreditations, we're witnessing a pivotal shift in how menopause is perceived and discussed. This episode is not just for women navigating through menopause but also for our male listeners, offering insights that can foster understanding and support within both personal and professional relationships.

Our conversation spans the spectrum of menopause symptoms, from the well-known hot flushes to the less discussed but equally impactful cognitive changes, such as memory lapses and concentration difficulties. We explore how these changes can significantly affect women's lives, impacting everything from job performance to personal relationships. Surprisingly, a significant number of women suffer in silence, with many choosing to leave their careers due to the lack of support and understanding.

Sarah shares her personal journey, highlighting the unexpected onset of perimenopausal symptoms and the challenges of navigating this new phase. We discuss the importance of normalising menopause discussions, updating workplace policies, and embracing flexibility to support affected individuals. From practical adjustments in the workplace to fostering open dialogues, we delve into strategies that can create a more inclusive and empathetic environment for everyone going through menopause.

As we conclude, we emphasise the temporary nature of menopausal symptoms and encourage both women and men to engage in conversations about menopause. By sharing experiences and insights, we can collectively work towards demystifying menopause and supporting each other through this natural life stage. Join us in this enlightening discussion and help us spread awareness and understanding of menopause in the workplace and beyond.