Hello and welcome to the Thriving podcast, with Sarah and Jenny.
This week we are celebrating passing the milestone of 50 episodes together with the continuation of our miniseries on the U.S. General’s framework for work and mental wellbeing, taking a deep dive into the first petal; protection from harm. Looking at how safety and security in the workplace creates the fundamental foundation to build a thriving organisation. We talk safety, vulnerability , diversity and much more… 
Mentioned in the show:
US Surgeon General’s Framework for workplace mental health and well being - https://www.hhs.gov/surgeongeneral/priorities/workplace-well-being/index.html
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/standard-contractual-clauses-scc_enWe’d love it if you subscribe to the show, or join our community on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/thriving-with-sarah-jenny/ - but no pressure!