How do you feel about your wounds? Do they scare you? Do you just want them gone? Do you yearn to feel whole? What if you had a different relationship with them? Saw them as gifts. The cracks that let the light in. Listen in as we go deep to new perspectives on trauma. And peace.

Here's an interview with the Headless way guy

Here's a link to his website

There's pain and beauty in adoption. Donna like she's been healing her whole life. But coming out of the fog was a shock to her system. Listen in as she shares her insights on an expanding awareness of her self. That's where the most profound shifts are happening that are powering on to a better life.

Listen to her first interview at

Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.