Feeling unloved hurts like hell. And most of us have felt that way. I know i've felt that my birth mother didn't love me enough to keep me. But what if we feel are adoptive parents didn't want us? Reading about some doubt her parents had in adopting her  turned Patti's life upside down. Listen in as we go deep on feeling loved, wanted and enough.

Patti Eddington is a newspaper and magazine journalist whose favorite job ever  was interviewing the famous authors who came through town on book tours. She never dreamed of writing about her life because she was too busy helping build her husband’s veterinary practice, caring for her animal obsessed daughter—whose favorite childhood toy was an inflatable tick—and learning to tap dance. Then fate, and a DNA test, led her to a story she felt compelled to tell. Today, the mid-century modern design enthusiast and dance fitness teacher enjoys being dragged on walks by her ridiculous three-legged dog, David, reading with her Siamese cat Symon Francis O’Toole on her lap and watching the egrets and bald eagles from her deck on a beautiful bayou in Spring Lake, Michigan. 





Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.