I realized, although I have shared snippets of my own experiences through the other episodes, I have never share my FULL story on the podcast. And since this platform is some of your first pieces of contact with me, I thought it would be helpful to put the story behind the voice where all of you could listen. 

I think we all have a "story" in our head when people ask "so what's your story?" We have puzzle pieces that fit together in a messy, complicated way that show the world why we are how we are, what we've been through, what we've dealt with in life. So this is my version of that "story."

My story begins about three years before my actual IBD diagnosis. It starts with heart-wrenching loss and grief my freshman year of college that led me to developing an eating disorder and exercise addiction. Through it all, every memory is riddled with stomach pain and discomfort - leaving sorority meetings early, calling in sick from work, missing out on social plans. Finally, after years of being told "nothing was wrong," I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis on August 4, 2017 (and the rest is history as cliche as that sounds). 

After months of being naive and dealing with denial and a traumatizing flare and hospitalization, I finally made it to where I am today - sharing my story and experiences with the world, coaching other women with IBD to lean into acceptance + confidence despite their diagnosis, and ultimately being who I had needed on my own journey. 

I hope you enjoy this episode and learning more about me! Xx


Read the full-length blog post about my story.

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Visit my website: plentyandwell.com

Chronic Illness Mindset + Lifestyle Coaching