“My [ostomy] bag gave me my life again. Why should I be ashamed of that?” Krista Deveaux, a kindergarten teacher from Calgary, Alberta, was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease as a young child, experiencing feeding tubes growing up, resection surgeries as an adult and many ups and downs that came along with her diagnosis. After years of feeling sicker and sicker despite her surgeries, Krista knew it was time for an ostomy and time to reclaim her life. Despite her gastroenterologists’ reservations, Krista stood up for herself and her decision and she hasn’t looked back since receiving her ostomy. In today’s episode we talk about Krista’s Crohn’s Disease journey, her experience with an ostomy, living confidently with her ostomy and her top tips for individuals thinking about an ostomy or who already have one. Krista also shares her experience on Instagram (@my.gut.instinct), bringing together the ostomy community and showing how her ostomy has given her freedom and hope once again. 

Key quotes from this week’s episode:

“Asking for help, seeking medical advice or counseling or therapy - there’s no harm in that.”“Since my surgery, I haven’t looked back. It’s like I found myself again. I feel like when I was young. I feel young again and happy. I have my spark again.”“This is MY bikini body and I’m just going to be happy with it. My bag gave me my life again. Why should I be ashamed of that?”

Follow Krista’s journey on Instagram at @my.gut.instinct.

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