Eli dives into his story of being diagnosed at 18 years old and how it affected his career and life choices. We dive into how to cope with a diagnosis and communicating with family members to create a line of open communication and trust. Eli talks about his experience as a therapist in New York City and how his chronic illness has shaped how he approaches his practice and his lifestyle. We also get into the nitty-gritty about dating in chronic illness, and the highs and lows that come navigating the dating world while battling a chronic illness. He also talks about learning to give yourself grace and that accepting help is not a sign of weakness. He mentions his transformation from total confusion to thriving with his chronic illness through radical acceptance of his life and his body.


Find Eli on Instagram @Elivation_Therapist and @thedudetherapist or at Elivation.org!


"It felt like I was in so much pain- curled up in a ball- and I had no idea what was going on..." 

"It's about taking the time to spend with family and friends when you are feeling good enough and have the energy- and then taking the time for yourself to rest when your body needs to slow down."

"I pack a pharmacy in my suitcase when I travel-it's just a part of chronic illness- and to thrive means learning to accept that somethings in life need extra preparation."