"It’s easy to have a strange relationship with food when it seems like food is the enemy and is causing symptoms." Brittany Roman-Green, a registered dietician specializing in individuals with Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis and IBS, shines light on how she helps transform her clients' mindsets around food by helping them figure out their trigger foods and start living with less symptoms and more energy. In today's episode we talk all about foods to eat for energy and fatigue relief, what to eat and avoid during an IBD flare, as well as how to make sustainable lifestyle changes. Although lifestyle changes and dietary changes can be one of the the hardest parts after an IBD diagnosis, they're also one of the most important. If you've ever felt the need for guidance on these changes - this is for you!

You can follow along with Brittany on Instagram at @brittanyb_therd and on Youtube.

Key quotes from this episode:

"With suffering comes the gift of appreciation.""I honestly think the lifestyle changes are one of the hardest parts because you’ve had a certain lifestyle for so long and it’s habitual.""Give yourself some grace because you’re healing your body right now. You’re healing wounds."