Coding is something that happens to your experiences. The brain physically cannot handle all the information that it's assimilating at any one time. As you are growing and going through the experiences that you have in life, you're taking the experiences as they occur to you and fitting them into what you know about the world.


It's a simple awareness at the moment that you actually create your truth. 


Foundational learning. First, we are slowly learning through physical experiential living the cause and effect. The problem is when the effect is unpleasant and we're involved, we think we're the cause. Cause we don't have the capacity to see the big picture. Second, we learn right and wrong. When people make it clear that you did something that they don't like, you are left very clear that it sits outside of their right and wrong. 


Creating a thought pattern. Thought patterns that get confirmed create thoughts, internal beliefs and an internal belief will instantly switch on confirmation bias, activating your articular activating system. And you are just looking to confirm the truth that you think is an existence. So your whole biology now begins to work against you, to reconfirm to you a state that you think is true isn't necessarily.


Essential awareness:  Safety. As babies, we don't really understand if we're hungry or thirsty, we just understand a feeling that's uncomfortable. Being loved. Toddlers have a sense of whether they're loved or not. The brains of babies who are not affectionately nurtured grow differently to the brains of babies who get affection. Love and affection are crucial to the way the brain develops.


Your value doesn't change from the day you're born to the day you die. But what does change is your perception of it.


Your Path to Freedom: The level of success that you will have in the world directly correlates to the image you hold about yourself. The whole world is made up inside how you think it is so get rid of the ones that don't work for you and keep the ones that do.


If you want to remove a meaning, you must replace it with something else. It is your business to keep the channel open. 


Accessing your Flow State: Turn the noises off. You trust yourself more when the noise is turned off. You stop second guessing yourself the whole time. You get to listen. And when you listen, the body speaks because the mind and the body are working together the whole time.


People with cancer and have survived it usually have that epiphany awakening of their being. They have a deeper insight into life and their meaning to be here. We control this so much more than we believe we do.


The pain disappears when the mind is turned off, like when we sleep. But when the mind is back on, the pain comes back. You have to remember it consciously for the feelings to hit your body again. We know that the body holds pain and trauma, and that we consistently reconnect with that pain and trauma to remind ourselves why we are being the way we are.