2:17 From Skinny to Celebrity Body: At the beginning, it's full of ego. When I was training, I was in very good shape but not really earning. But when I had money, I was not in shape because people have a tendency to just one or the other. It's hard to combine both of them.


4:56 I need to combine everything—the mental aspect, the spiritual aspect. Being in shape is one part of the spectrum. But what I teach my clients and want to teach people is a lifestyle.


6:15 Good on the outside, bleeding on the inside: I didn't know I was gluten intolerant so I had a lot of leaky gut issues and I was bleeding like crazy because they were so irritated from the food. And the steroids pumped up my heartbeat. I wasn’t careful then of what I’m putting in my body. When you're only driven by the goal, you forget to take care of your own.

8:39 Building your community: The look is only going to bring you a certain amount of people, or it's going to bring you a certain type of audience. But then, people realize that it's more than the look. It's the feelin you bring to people. That’s when people get involved with you. 


9:54 Training Celebs and CEOs: The only thing that I ask my clients is to be committed. The thing that you would normally notice from celebrities or CEOs or successful people is they know what it takes to be successful. They usually know what it takes to get to another level. 


11:24 5 Biggest Secrets to a Celebrity Body


Nutrition, sleep, having a training partner or a coach, workout, create a good habit and lifestyle around that.


Nutrition: No matter how hard you train, if you eat like sh**, you're going to feel like it. 95% of what you’re feeling is coming from your gut. Treat your body like a Ferrari. Be careful and put the best. Get customzed nutrition tips from Faste Fitness app.  Learn a little basic about nutrition. Once you do, you're going to be a lot more cautious of what you put in your body. Sleep: Try to go to bed around the same time everyday. Meditation is one of the best things to do before sleep. If your brain is too active, try to read a book. Drop your phone and forget about the computer. Everything needs to be set aside. If you want to have good sleep, plan it. Taking a cold bath or cold shower before bed helps to improve sleep.  Find a training partner or coach: If you want to avoid wasting time, you need a coach. It's important to have someone that can hold you accountable. Finding the right coach for you starts with tuning in if you feel good training with them. You're not paying just to waste money. Workout: Faste Fitness has different programs depending on your goals—to ose weight, Training for athletes and so on. Creating the right habits: Start with the small steps and DO it.


22:31 Keeping on track: You have to enjoy the journey. You have to set up goals. But if you're only focused on the goals and you don't like what you're doing, you’ll lose it. Find something that you enjoy and you're going to stick to it. 


25:24 Mike’s Best Medicine: No matter how good you look, how good you feel, if mentally you're not present, you're not connected with life, you’re never going to be able to sustain anything. Meditation brought me peace of mind. It helped me to actually enjoy life. Diving down in spirituality, reading book,s and meditation is probably the best thing that I've been doing.