09:57 Ajit's Humble Beginnings: When a lot of people share a space, it's not really a space and there's not really an abundance. That's when I decided I don't want to live the same life ever again.


12:06 My father's limited support put a timer on me to figure out my track: Trying to make money at 17 gave me a sense of clarity that I can figure things out. I'm a good person at figuring things out. I'm a good person in binding connections and relationships.


18:00 Being the Mindvalley CEO: While running the company, I had forgotten everything else but the title I have in the company. I realized how alone and lonely I was. 


24:22 A Stroke of Luck: Old programming doesn't really go away. It's an awareness. And that self-awareness recognizes that there are unknowns in us—there's what we need to be successful but there's also an element of 'luck'.


26:38 We have equal capability to release negative thinking; it is independent to each of us, our completely different experience. It's a talent, but we also have to recognize that it's not maybe as true that the other person doesn't have it.


30:06 Spectrum of negative thoughts is widely more than the spectrum of positive thoughts and we're naturally wired for it because it's a protection mechanism. But the difference happens when you feel it AND THEN you are aware enough to move forward.


32:06 Information to Transformation: Take notes and understand. Take what you understood and turn it into a tool. Go out and do it. Refine it to fit your model of reality. Do it over and over.


37:38 Being Present: Everybody is a function of the stories of their past. Your past governs a lot of your behavior at this moment. That way, it tends to start creating your future. The only point of control, of reality, of impact that you truly have to change your past and your future at the same time, is NOW. You need to own the NOW.


42:56 Organizing your Mind: Being more conscious of the thoughts that you choose. Every circumstance creates a multiplicity of thinking. Choose a more empowered way of thinking. We all can use some kindness; come back to our humanity.


47:01 Bioengineering and Connectedness: Integrating our biology and habits like meditation, supplementation, the way we eat, and movement. And pursue purpose not as a place to get to but a place to live from. Use your intuition.


50:17 Master Coaching with Ajit: Learn coaching techniques as Ajit breaks down specific areas of life to explain why those areas work or not.


51:33 Ajit's Best Medicine: LOVE. Love for humanity, friends, family, colleagues, for life.