Too many people want to be healthy, wealthy, happy, and worthy, but what they don't realize is that they already are.


The bioenergetic elements that create the energetic field around ourselves actually control how the DNA is expressed and how our cells behave.


When you can shift your paradigm through gratitude, forgiveness, and accountability, you can understand what inspiration is—’in spirit’.


Practice the muscles of gratitude. Then we can teach ourselves to utilize as a practice the higher frequencies between our potential to clear the interference between us and the greater source of light, love, and lessons; between us and our happiness, our healthiness, wealthiness and worthiness.


You'll realize you don't have to go GET these things. You only have to figure out what you’re doing to interfere with your health. For me, I'm always on a journey to pursue my potential by clearing this interference, not by going to get.


The fundamental principle of healing is that we already are well. Healing is different from what we usually think about it. It completely transformed the mental perspective and physical being as well through meditation and healing.


On the practice of being quiet: there is action taking place—a difficult one—to clear the mind, be quiet, sit in peace, allow things to happen, awareness to rise is a practice and action. And it helped me a lot!


How to shift negative thoughts and subconscious beliefs: People say everything is so uncertain. But I tell people all time: you'll never have certainty until you can forgive the unforgivable. By understanding that change IS certainty, we get to understand that we have control of three things: our mindset, our heartset, and our actions.


What to do when things are triggered: These are indicators that you have a better place to be. Pain is not punishment. Setbacks and mistakes are not punishment. Just turn signal that you're moving in the wrong direction and let me help you out.


Constructive way to find the lessons amid challenges: When you identify a trigger, cancel it. You won’t be able to let go. Logic can never overcome emotion. So when you try to tell yourself to overcome something, it's not gonna work. Doing things will change. Clear your mind. Think of something positive to replace it.


Best medicine: Humility. Ask for help. When you do, you are affirmingly collecting, remembering, and reminding that we're all connected. It allows you to receive the greatest gifts of other people and allows you to give to other people as well. Be kind to your future self. Be radically humble. and do good deeds.